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Fix google results by removing ads

The problem with google results: ads

Are you familiar with this kind of annoyance? On the first page auf Google results you bearly see any real results. Mainly the page is populated by ads – tricking you in thinking they are results. I tried the “just use an other search engine” approch – unsuccessful. It’s hard to beat Google at it’s core business.

One solution: user stylesheets

I don’t know if this will held up a long time, but for the time beeing you can remove (or lower the opacity of) ads by a thing called user stylesheets. It’s a bit nerdy, but worth it.

Find the user stylesheet function of your browser of choise. My day-to-day browser on mac is (can you believe this!) still Safari. So head over to Settings > Advanced > Stylesheet: … and select a css-file.

This sounds more difficult than it is:

  1. Open a Texteditor like Sublime Text or Visual Studio Code or even Notepad/Textedit.
  2. Be sure to only use it in plain-text mode – so no formating.
  3. Create a new file, copy the following code and save it as my-user-style.css somewhere.
  4. Then back to Settings to select this file. With some browsers you have to restart them to get this file to be active. So do that just to be sure.
/* Lighten google ads */
div.commercial-unit-desktop-rhs {
  opacity: 10%;

Your google result should most likly change to this:

Better. At least you can skim fast where the ads are.

The pro solution: restrict css to domain

The css above is inserted in every page you visit. This isn’t a problem with only some css rules, but when you expand this to cover other annoying pages it quickly get’s dirty. So let’s try to restrict the css changes only to a target domain like “”.

This involes a bit more trickery, by inserting the domain via Javascript to the root element on the fly.

  1. Install a browser extension to run user scripts like Tampermonkey
  2. Insert the following script.
// ==UserScript==
// @name         Add location to root element
// @namespace
// @version      0.1
// @description  Adds location href as data attribute to root element on page to eg trigger user styles only on specific pages (like: :root[location*=""] [data-text-ad="1"] {…})
// @author       Rolf Langer, with help from Jim Nielsen, s.
// @include      http://*
// @include      https://*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

// documentation
(function() {
    'use strict';
    document.documentElement.setAttribute("data-location", window.location.href);

All it does is inserting the current internet adress to the root html element. For this page it would be <html data-location="…">. With this in place, we can target our css specificly to “” and only apply the change on the search results:

/* Lighten google ads */
:root[data-location*=""] [data-text-ad="1"],
:root[data-location*=""] div.commercial-unit-desktop-top,
:root[data-location*=""] div.commercial-unit-desktop-rhs {
  opacity: 10%;

Done for good.

The only remaining question: how long will the google source code be stable enough so that the fix works? I don’t know. But I will definitly update the css to improve my search results. So maybe check back for updates. See you!

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Hide or dim ads on google result pages: @rolfthomas